0人赞赏了该文章 662次浏览 未经作者许可,禁止转载编辑于2015年03月02日 00:00:00
【问题】: (FAQ)结账时报因清理而预提折旧
版本: 7.0.1
模块: 固定资产
临时解决方案: --修改状态让其结账 update t_fa_facurcard set fhascleared=0 where fcompanyid=(select fid from t_org_company where fnumber='公司编码') and fid in( select FCURCARDID from t_fa_clearbillentry where FENTRYID in( select fid from t_fa_clearbill where fcompanyid=(select fid from t_org_company where fnumber='公司编码') and FPERIODID=(select fid from t_bd_period where fnumber=当前期间) )) --结完账后执行以下脚本 update t_fa_famoncard set fhascleared=2 where fcompanyid=(select fid from t_org_company where fnumber='公司编码') and FfaPERIODID=(select fid from t_bd_period where fnumber=期间) and ffacurcardid in( select FCURCARDID from t_fa_clearbillentry where FENTRYID in( select fid from t_fa_clearbill where fcompanyid=(select fid from t_org_company where fnumber='公司编码') and FPERIODID=(select fid from t_bd_period where fnumber=期间 )))