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  1.foreign currency transactions外币业务
  ·currency n. 货币 foreign currency 外币
  ·transaction n. 交易 e.g. cash transaction 现金交易 exchange transaction 外汇交易
  ·foreign currency operations
  foreign currency transaction 外币交易
  buying or selling products or services priced at foreign currency 买入或卖出以外币计价的商品或劳务;
  borrowing or lending foreign currency capital 借入或借出外币资金;
  other transactions priced or settled at foreign currency 其他以外币计价或计算的交易。

  2.type of currency 货币的种类:
  ·Convertible currency 可自由兑换货币
  Hard currency 硬通货
  Soft currency 软通货
  functional currency 记账本位币 (primary economic environment主要经营环境)
  ·monetary items 货币性项目(closing rate资产负债表日即期汇率)
  non-monetary items 非货币性项目 (spot exchange rate of the transaction date 交易发生日的即期汇率)

  3.exchange rate 汇率
  ·exchange/foreign exchange 外汇
  ·exchange gain 汇兑收益 exchange loss 汇兑损失。
  ·sport exchange rate/ spot rate 交易发生日的即期汇率
  (transaction date 交易日)
  ·closing rate 资产负债表日即期汇率
  (balance date/reporting date 资产负债表日)
  (settlement date 结算日)
  ·Current rate 现行汇率
  Historical rate 历史汇率
  Lecture example 1 外币货币性项目
  Landing travel company (Chinese company) signed the contract for purchasing travel buses with a value of USD$100,000 from a US travel bus manufacturing company on Sept. 1, 2007. The buses are transported to Landing company at the end of October, 2007. Landing travel company paid for the buses on Nov. 10, 2007. Assuming USD/CNY exchange rates are as follows:
  Sept. 1, 2007  USD/CNY  7.5
  Nov. 10, 2007  USD/CNY  7
  Please identify the transaction date and provide the journal entry for the for the foreign currency transaction.
  转换: $100,000×7.5=RMB¥750,000

  Sept 1, 2007 record the transaction (rate=7.5)
          Dr Fixed assets-travel buses 750,000
            Cr Account payable       750,000

  转换: $100,000×7=RMB¥700,000
     Nov. 10, 2007 settlement of the transaction (rate=7)
            Account payable reduced from RMB¥750,000 to RMB¥700,000
            Dr Account payable    50,000
              Cr Foreign exchange gain  50,000
            Dr Account payable    700,000
              Cr Bank deposit      700,000
  Lecture example 2
  Landing travel company (Chinese company) signed the contract for purchasing travel buses with a value of USD$100,000 from a US travel bus manufacturing company on Sept. 1, 2007. The buses are transported to Landing company at the end of October, 2007. Landing travel company paid for the buses on Jan. 10, 2008. The financial reporting date is Dec. 31 of each year. Assuming USD/CNY exchange rates are as follows:
  Sept. 1, 2007  USD/CNY  7.5
  Dec. 31, 2007  USD/CNY  7.2
  Jan. 10, 2008  USD/CNY  7
  Please identify the transaction date and provide the journal entry for the for the foreign currency transaction.
  Sept 1, 2007 record the transaction (rate=7.5)
         Dr Fixed assets-travel buses 750,000
           Cr Account payable       750,000
  Dec. 31, 2007 retranslation of the transaction at the reporting date (rate=7.2)资产负债表日的折算
         Dr Account payable      30,000
           Cr Foreign exchange gain    30,000
  Nov. 10, 2008 settlement of the transaction (rate=7)
         Dr Account payable      20,000
           Cr Foreign exchange gain    20,000
         Dr Account payable      700,000
           Cr Bank deposit         700,000

  4.Other entries其他会计分录
  ·when buy foreign currency 买入外币
  Dr bank deposit—foreign currency account (at spot rate)
    Foreign exchange loss(外币兑换损失)
    Cr bank deposit—RMB account
  ·when sell foreign currency 售出外币
  Dr bank deposit—RMB account
    Foreign exchange loss
    Cr bank deposit—foreign currency account (at spot rate)
  Lecture example 3:
  The Good Health company is a Chinese sport suit manufacture company. Its foreign currency transactions are usually translated at the spot exchange rate, and the foreign exchange gain and loss are recognized in the profit and loss in the period in which they arise. The foreign currency balance on Dec 31, 20X6 was as the following table:

Account name


Closing Exchange rate

Account receivable



Account payable


Bank deposit


  Some business transactions happened in the January, 20X7.
  a) On Jan 8, the company sold the products on credit to a US supermarket and earned revenue of US$100,000. The exchange rate on that day is USD/CNY=8.3. The account should be collected in the later days.
  b) On Jan 10, the company made short-term borrowing of foreign currency for US$20,000. The exchange rate on that day is USD/CNY=8.3.
  c) On Jan 15, the company imported raw materials from India for US$50,000 and paid in foreign currency deposit. The exchange rate on that day is USD/CNY=8.3.
  d)On Jan 20, the company collected the account receivable of US$100,000 for the US supermarket transaction. The exchange rate on that day is USD/CNY=8.35.
  e) On Jan 30, the company repaid the short-term borrowing of US$20,000. The exchange rate on that day is USD/CNY=8.35.
  Please produce the accounting entries for the foreign currency transactions.
  Jan 8 Dr Account receivable—US account  830,000
       Cr Main operating revenue       830,000
  Jan 10 Dr Bank deposit —US account     166,000
       Cr Short-term borrowing —US account 166,000
  Jan 15 Dr Raw materials           415,000
       Cr Bank deposit —US account     415,000
  Jan 20 Dr Account receivable—US account   5,000
       Cr Foreign exchange gain —US account 5,000
      Dr Bank deposit —US account     835,000
       Cr Account receivable—US account   835,000
  Jan 30 Dr Foreign exchange loss —US account  1,000
       Cr Short-term borrowing —US account   1,000
      Dr Short-term borrowing —US account 167,000
       Cr Bank deposit —US account      167,000

  5.conversion of foreign currency financial statements 外币报表的折算
  ·All assets and liabilities exchange rate – translated at the prevailing rate at balance date.资产和负债按照报表日的汇率折算
  ·Equity except undistributed profit –translated at spot rate when it occurs.所有者权益除了未分配利润之外,其他项目都是采用发生时的即期汇率。
  ·Revenue and expense items: spot rate at the transaction date 利润表中的收入和费用项目采用交易日的即期汇率或者平均汇率折算。

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