WSDL 服务访问失败
3人赞赏了该文章 965次浏览 未经作者许可,禁止转载编辑于2017年06月26日 17:33:49
大家好,本人刚刚接触BOS,在尝试使用BOS 发布wsdl 服务,结果访问 http://{ip:port}/ormrpc/services,时报如下错误,请问下是什么原因导致的呢?jar包问题吗?
And now... Some ServicesAXIS errorSorry, something seems to have gone wrong... here are the details:
Fault - Could not find class for the service named: you may need to copy your class files/tree into the right location (which depends on the servlet system you are using).; nested exception is: