Basic Oracle Instant Client installed
Installing Oracle Data Provider for .NET 4
Configuring Oracle Data Provider for .NET 4
ERROR: 拒绝访问。 (异常来自 HRESULT:0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
ERROR: 拒绝访问。 (异常来自 HRESULT:0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
INFO: The following section has been added.
INFO: The following element added under DbProviderFactories.
Error: 对路径“C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\CONFIG\machine.config”的访问被拒绝。
Oracle Providers for .NET Configuration Utility for .NET Framework 4 : Release Production on 周五 3月 17 02:13:19 2017
Copyright (c) 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
OraProvCfg /action:
[/frameworkversion:<.NET version>]
config | unconfig
(for odp or odpm only)
= all (default) | membership | profile | sitemap
| rolemanager | personalization | webevent |
a combination (i.e. "membership | profile")
(for aspnet only)
<.NET version> = .NET Framework version
(i.e. v2.0.50727 or v4.0.30319)
including the the assembly file name
(i.e. c:\OH\odp.net\bin\4\Oracle.DataAccess.dll)
NOTE: /force option is applicable only when configuring the
machine.config for odp, odpm or aspnet.
/force option disabled by default, which only updates
the machine.config if the version being configured is
newer than the version specified in the machine.config.
If /force option is used, machine.config is always
updated with the version of odp, odpm or aspnet
that is specified in the /providerpath option.
1. GAC
Example: Installing an assembly into the GAC:
OraProvCfg /action:gac /providerpath:
Example: Uninstalling an assembly from the GAC:
OraProvCfg /action:ungac /providerpath:
NOTE: For /action:ungac, provider path can be set to the assembly
name and version as in "Oracle.DataAccess, Version="
to uninstall a specific version of an assembly.
2. Machine.config
Example: Configuring ODP.NET with .NET Framewework 4.0 machine.config
OraProvCfg /action:config /force /product:odp
Example: Unconfiguring ODP.NET from .NET Framework 4.0 machine.config
OraProvCfg /action:unconfig /product:odp /frameworkversion:4.0.30319
Example: Configuring machine.config for ASP.NET providers:
OraProvCfg /action:config /force /product:aspnet
Example: Unconfiguring ASP.NET providers from machine.config
OraProvCfg /action:unconfig /product:aspnet /component:
3. OraclePermission
Example: Configuring ODP.NET OraclePermission for Web Applications:
OraProvCfg /action:config /product:odp /component:oraclepermission
NOTE : This operation is applicable for odp and odpm only.
NOTE : /productversion:
of /providerpath:
NOTE : To unconfigure, use /action:unconfig.
4. Performance Counters
Example: Registering ODP.NET Performance Counters:
OraProvCfg /action:register /product:odp /component:perfcounter
NOTE : This operation is applicable for odp and odpm only.
NOTE : To unregister, use /action:unregister.
ERROR: Encountered a problem while registering ODP counters
ERROR: 拒绝访问。 (异常来自 HRESULT:0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
ERROR: 拒绝访问。 (异常来自 HRESULT:0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
Create a registry entry to add managed assembly in the Add Reference Dialog box in VS.NET
Oracle Data Provider for .NET 4 configured
Configuring Oracle Services for MTS
[SC] OpenSCManager 失败 5:
Oracle Services for MTS configured